6th June 2020
“Thus saith the Lord; I remember thee, the kindness of thy youth, the love of
thine espousals, when thou wentest after me in the wilderness, in a land that
was not sown.” Jeremiah 2:2
If we look at salvation, we shall see that it consists of three parts; salvation
past, salvation present, and salvation future. Salvation past consists in having
our names written in the Lamb’s book of life before the foundation of the
world. Salvation present consists in the manifestation of Jesus to the soul,
whereby he betroths it to himself. And salvation future consists in the eternal
enjoyment of Christ, when the elect shall sit down to the marriage-supper of
the Lamb, and be for ever with the Lord. Now, as none will ever enjoy
salvation future who have no interest in salvation past; in other words, as
none will ever be with Christ in eternal glory whose names were not written
in the book of life from all eternity; so none will enjoy salvation future, who
live and die without enjoying salvation present. In other words, none will live
for ever with Christ in glory who are not betrothed to him in this life by the
manifestations of himself to their soul. According to the Jewish custom, the
man, at the time of betrothing, gave the bride a piece of silver before
witnesses, saying to her, “Receive this piece of silver as a pledge that at such
a time you shall become my spouse.” And the parties then exchanged rings.
This meeting of the espoused parties together, who then saw each other for
the first time, is a sweet type of the first meeting of the soul with Jesus. The
damsel had heard of the youth, but till then had never seen him; as seeking
souls hear of Jesus by the hearing of the ear, before their eyes see him. The
vail was upon her face (Gen. 24:65), as the vail is upon the heart (2 Cor.3:15),
until Jesus rends it in twain from the top to the bottom. The bridegroom gave
his betrothed a piece of silver, as a pledge that all he had was hers. And thus
Christ gives to the soul, whom he betroths to himself by his own
manifestations, a pledge, a token, a testimony, which, in itself, is the firstfruits
and assurance of eternal glory. The parties exchanged rings, as pledges
of mutual affection and eternal faithfulness. And thus, when Christ reveals
himself to the soul in his dying love, mutual engagements, mutual promises,
mutual assurances and pledges of faithfulness and love pass between the soul
and him. “One shall say, I am the Lord’s, and another shall call himself by
the name of Jacob, and another shall subscribe with his hand unto the
Lord.” At these seasons, “in the day of the King’s espousals,” the language of
the soul is, “I sat down under his shadow with great delight, and his fruit was
sweet to my taste; he brought me to the banqueting-house, and his banner
over me was love.”
J. C. Philpot 1802-1869