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Prospective members agreeing with our aims can join Christian Watch and receive at least 10 mailings per year with information on the latest developments and how to respond to them.
Support Us Financially
The Lord has blessed our endeavours and we aim, always to trust in Him for our provision. It is a sign of the times we live in that so much financial support is given to wicked and ungodly endeavours, in comparison to witnesses like Christian Watch. You can donate to Christian Watch in a number of ways. You can give one-off donations, donate regularly or also through legacies.
We are ever needful of fervent intercessory prayer to sustain and prosper our work for God’s glory.
Get Involved
We are exhorted in scripture to “deny self” and “take up our cross”. Thankfully even in these wicked times it is unlikely we will have to give our blood as He and many of the saints and martyrs have. Surely the least we can do as Christians is to raise our voice for God’s glory!
Therefore to him that knoweth to do good,
and doeth it not, to him it is sin.
(James 4:17)