To uphold the Protestant Reformed Faith upon which our
National Constitution was established.

  • Stand ye in the ways and see
  • and ask for the old paths

  • where is the good way
  • and walk therein
  • and ye shall find rest for your souls

Showing the state of our nation in the light of God’s Holy Word and informing Christians about the possible loss of their religious liberties from current and proposed developments within the UK and European Union.

Showing the state of our nation in the light of God’s Holy Word and informing Christians about the possible loss of their religious liberties from current and proposed developments within the UK and European Union.

Mark 13:37

Please take a moment to read more about us and what we do.


“D-Day: Destiny and the Hand of God”

“The 33:12 Report”
by Pastor Peter Simpson

A livestreamed address on the providence of God surrounding the events of the D-Day invasion in 1944.

“Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people.”

(Proverbs 14:34)

Extracts from a sermon preached by John Newton in 1787

The usual judgment of mankind on almost every important point is so very different from the decision of Scripture that both cannot possibly be true. National prosperity is more commonly estimated by the extent of dominion, by the success of arms in war and the increase of riches and commerce in peace; whether righteousness flourisheth or not is seldom taken into account. And the prevalence of sin, of infidelity, dissipation and profligacy is deemed a small reproach compared with a diminution of power and wealth. When our fleets and armies triumphed over all resistance and spread terror and desolation to the remotest parts of the globe and the treasures of the East began to pour in upon us with an almost boundless profusion, this nation was supposed to be highly exalted. But nothing less than the progress of righteousness and the suppression of sin can render us truly honourable or take away our reproach if the Word of God, the great Governor of the earth, be truth. And this happy change would do it, though we should lose one province and one empire after another and we should be deprived of our boasted consequence among the nations of the earth.

The sentences in the Book of Proverbs are for the most part contrasted and we may therefore fix the sense of righteousness in this passage by considering it as the opposite to sin. Sin, which is the reproach of our nature, of every person, family, village, city and kingdom in which it is found, is that inward principle of the heart and that outward course of conduct which is contrary to our relation to God as His creatures and to the tenor of His revealed will. A right disposition of heart towards God and a conduct in all points regulated by the authority and rule of His Holy Word is this righteousness which exalteth a nation, and so far as this is wanting, the most powerful, opulent, civilized and enlightened empire, with all its supposed attainments, advantages and distinctions, is clearly the subject of reproach and contempt.

Consider how a nation (which is composed of a multitude of individuals) would be exalted if the character of the text was universally or even generally prevalent. Whatever be the situation of the righteous man, he is an ornament and a blessing to the community. If he be in authority, he ruleth over men in the fear of God. Whether seated upon a throne, or in a subordinate station in public life, his power, influence and example, so far as they extend, are employed in promoting the public good to encourage the love of righteousness in others, to vindicate the oppressed, maintain order and suppress wickedness. The God whom he serves teaches him for his station and supports him. His principles render him superior to the selfish craft which often passes for wisdom in the world and the fear of God secures him from that fear of man which bringeth a snare.

The righteous man is the true patriot, who wrestles for his country by prayer in secret and devotes his talents to promote the good of all around him. The righteous man in private life is a good citizen. He respects and obeys the Government and laws under which he lives. He is willingly subject to lawful authority (and obeys), not from constraint, or for the sake of filthy lucre, but for conscience’ sake. If he be rich, the grace of God teaches him to be humble, moderate and benevolent. If he be poor, it teaches him patience and contentment, to be quiet in the land, diligent in his calling. As a relative, the righteous man is a kind and compassionate master, a good husband, a punctual trader, a faithful, upright servant, in every relation endeavouring to approve himself to God and to do unto others as he would wish others in a like situation should do unto him. He is sober and temperate in all things, gentle, forbearing and forgiving, because in every situation he endeavours to adorn the doctrine of God his Saviour in all things, and is no farther directly concerned in the affairs of this life than to let his light so shine in his allotted department that others may glorify God on his behalf.

I think it undeniable that if this righteousness were diffused among all ranks and orders of men, there would be reason to say, Happy are the people that are in such a state. Discord, envy, hatred, prodigality, covetousness, sensuality and a long train of evils which fill the world with woe, would be banished from among them. Each one in his sphere would contribute to the good of the whole and God thus served and thus honoured, would be their bulwark and shield, a wall of fire round about them and a glory in the midst of them. But where sin, the neglect of God and of His laws, prevail – it is a present reproach – it will prove them a foolish and unwise, an ungrateful and base-spirited people. A want of public spirit in superiors, a readiness to sacrifice every valuable consideration to the selfish calls of ambition or interest – and, in the inferior [socially lower] classes, impatience of subordination, licentiousness under the pretence of liberty, the indulgence of hurtful passions – in general: dissensions, riots, weak counsels, rash enterprises, ruined fortunes and constitutions, distracted families, tyrannical masters, treacherous servants, bankruptcies, robberies, rapes and murders, crowded jails and places of worship almost empty would mark the character of the nation and of the times. And these things would in their own nature not only be a reproach, but tend to the ruin of the people.

God has sometimes shown His displeasure against sin by public and severe judgments – thus He brought a flood upon the old world and destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah with fire. But if He only leaves a people to themselves, their ruin will be equally certain and perhaps equally terrible. He inflicted no heavier punishment than this upon the Jews after they had filled up the measure of their iniquities by crucifying the Son of God. He did not visit them with earthquakes or hurricanes, but He gave them up to the way of their own hearts. Their ruin quickly follows; they brought it upon themselves, with such a complicated concurrence of calamities as were never suffered by any other people upon earth.

Whether we are a people exalted by the love and practice of righteousness, or whether sin, enormous sin, be our reproach and a just cause for fear lest it involve us in ruin, I leave to your observation and to your consciences. I hope there are amongst you many righteous persons, and many more who feel some concern for the wickedness and misery around you. May God enable you, according to your several opportunities, to contribute to our national honour and to the removal of our reproach by joining heartily in the cause of righteousness and by discountenancing sin.

This will lead you to countenance the preaching of the Gospel, which is the appointment and power of God to salvation through faith in His Name. The people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. The glorious Gospel of Christ is like the sun: when this light shines and is perceived, the darkness of iniquity and misery flee before it.


Perilous Times

By John Owen 1616 -1683

Perilous Times Booklet by John Owen 1616 -1683


Click the image to download the booklet in PDF format

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But one thing is needful

Luke 10 v 42

Mr Samuel Kingham