About Us
Showing the state of our nation in the light of God’s Holy Word.
Christian Watch was formed in 2001 by a small group of Protestant Christians who were concerned for the future of our nation. The rapid inroads being made by satanic forces, to undermine our biblically based Constitution, was of particular concern.
And what I say unto
you I say unto all,
Mark 13:37
Therefore let us not
sleep as do others;
but let us watch
and be sober.
1 Thessalonians 5:6
It was also observed that the majority of professing Protestants are either content to remain silent or are unaware of what is taking place. In consequence it was decided to concentrate primarily on informing those who are willing to listen and to warn them of the inevitable judgements of God upon our nation, unless the present trend is reversed.
We have a membership scheme and those subscribing to it receive information (minimum 10 times per year) to keep them aware of important national developments and events. In addition, public meetings are held, with the same objectives.
The rapid decline in morality and spirituality continues whilst, at the same time, the Word of God is rejected at all levels of society within our nation.
Let us oppose these developments with all the energy and ability that the Lord gives us, that we may be brighter lights to His honour and glory, in this dark and wicked world.