To uphold the Protestant Reformed Faith upon which our
National Constitution was established.


By Horatius Bonar

“If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.” 2 Cor. 5:17

What condemnation do these words pronounce upon the shallow, meagre religion so common among us – making us feel that hardly any description of its professors could be more exaggerated or unreal, than that of being “new creatures.”

Take yon member of the church. He wears the garb and bears the name of Christ. He is a fair average specimen of a large class. He has the profession of being a Christian; yet…

he is fond of the world;
he grasps at its gold;
he loves its fashionable gaiety;
he reads its novels;
he frequents its haunts of amusement;
he enjoys its company;
he relishes its foolish talking and jesting.
Is he “a new creature” in Christ Jesus?

Is it possible that, with …
so much worldliness,
so much selfishness,
so much self-indulgence,
so much pleasing of the flesh,

he can have been “born again,” whatever his profession may be?

A new creature!” Then…
old feelings,
old habits,
old tastes,
old hopes,
old joys,
old haunts,
old companionships –

all are gone! Old things are passed away, all things are become new!

Formerly, I sought the things of this world. So now, by the necessity of my new nature, I seek the things above. Sin has become hateful, holiness supremely attractive.

My vision has been purged, so that now I see everything as with a new eye; the evil, with an eye which loathes it; the holy, with an eye which loves it. I approach everything with …

new feelings,
new tastes,
new sympathies,
new antipathies.

I behold everything in a new light and from a new point of view. Myself, this world, the world to come, God, Christ and the everlasting joys – all these are to me now, what they have never been before! My whole inner man has changed respecting them. There has been a new creation! What, then, have I to do with sin, with the flesh, with the vanities of so vain a life, as the men of this world are leading?

Oh, the unimaginable blessedness of those on whom this new creation has taken place! Oh, the unutterable, the endless misery of those on whom no change has passed – in whom old things still remain.
