To uphold the Protestant Reformed Faith upon which our
National Constitution was established.


A brief report of the CRE Exhibition.
The position we had in 2014 was stand 111 the same as last year. As will be seen in the photographs of this years stand at CRE Sandown, the theme this time was the contrast between the Biblical old paths of truth and righteousness as expressed generally by the ‘Old Evangelicalism’ – and the false paths of the ‘New evangelicalism’ which includes all the fallacies of the ‘Emerging Church‘. See article. The stand was manned by Committee members who included Marcus Brockes, David Lawson and myself.


Two banners were displayed depicting the ‘good way’ and the false way with a signpost between them representative of Jeremiah 6: 16; “stand ye in the ways and see…”.

Initially we were told on arrival by the organisers to remove some of our literature and the two banners, on the grounds that some may have found them offensive. Eventually after agreeing to slight modifications (removing references to ‘Messy Church’- whose organisers were opposite!) we were allowed to continue with our display.

And what a good and blessed four days we had, with many folk saying how encouraged they had been by our stand. Fruitful conversations were had with some who had never considered these things above, particularly the differences between the Received Text underlying the King James Bible and the novel Greek text of the modern versions and the corrupted manuscripts as their sandy foundation. Yes, the whole ‘show’ is very reminiscent of Pilgrim’s Vanity Fair with ‘Christian’ comedians, and pop music style entertainments in ‘worship’ services; yet this is we believe, a proper place in which to show the weak, the wavering and the false, the true gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. Our new colour brochure was handed out – approximately 700 copies – with lots of other sound literature.
This is surely a time to cry out against heresies and false brethren in the church and to be ‘valiant for truth in the earth’; whenever and wherever we can without ompromise. Our Lord speaking of the time of His return left us with this awesome question – “Nevertheless when the Son of Man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?”

There is a falling away from truth today and it is surely not enough to sit down, wring our hands, and see how it will all turn out – as Dr John Owen once remarked in his own day .

Do support us as you are able to financially, as these events do require a considerable outlay, and also try and visit us next year at stand H7 at the NEW venue LONDON INTERNATIONAL EXCEL EXHIBITION details of dates, directions and address to follow on this website in the will of God.

Michael Hobbis