To uphold the Protestant Reformed Faith upon which our
National Constitution was established.

Effectual Calling

1. There is a period known to God
When all his sheep, redeemed by blood,
Shall leave the hateful ways of sin,
Turn to the fold, and enter in.


2. At peace with hell, with God at war,
In sin’s dark maze they wander far,
Indulge their lust, and still go on
As far from God as sheep can run.


3. But see how heaven’s indulgent care
Attends their wanderings here and there;
Still hard at heel, where’er they stray,
With pricking thorns to hedge their way.


4. When wisdom calls, they stop their ear,
And headlong urge the mad career;
Judgments nor mercies e’er can sway
Their roving feet to wisdom’s way.


5. Glory to God, they ne’er shall rove
Beyond the limits of his love;
Fenced with Jehovah’s shalls and wills,
Firm as the everlasting hills.


6. The appointed time rolls on apace,
Not to propose but call by grace;
To change the heart, renew the will,
And turn the feet to Zion’s hill.