To uphold the Protestant Reformed Faith upon which our
National Constitution was established.

“Rejoice in the Lord.”

1. Let saints lift up their hearts,
And, with a cheerful voice,
The wonders of their King proclaim,
And in the Lord rejoice.


2. Whatever be thy frame,
Though dark and cold as ice,
No change has taken place in him;
Then in the Lord rejoice.


3. Till God can change his mind,
And swear he has no choice,
The soul that in the Lord believes,
Shall in the Lord rejoice.


4. As sure as God is God,
And Abra’m heard his voice,
He’ll love his saints unto the end,
Then let them all rejoice.


5. Nor sin, nor death, nor hell,
Can make him hate his choice;
The cause of love is in himself;
And in him we’ll rejoice.


6. He made an end of sin,
And bought us with a price;
Our life, our hope, our all’s in him,
And we’ll in him rejoice.



“In his name shall the Gentiles trust.”

1.How sweet and precious is the name
Of Jesus Christ, the Lord, the Lamb,
To sinners in distress!
A name just suited to their case;
Pregnant with mercy, truth, and grace,
With strength and righteousness.


2. His name, as Jesus, suits them well;
He saves from sin, wrath, law, and hell,
From guilt and slavish fears.
His name is Wonderful indeed;
An able Counsellor, to plead,
Just suits a case like theirs.


3. Immanuel! thrice-blessèd name!
The God we trust is still the same!
An endless Father, He;
A most illustrious Prince of Peace;
A Tower, a precious Hiding-place,
Is Jesus Christ to me.


4. Yes, if his name be Lord of Hosts,
Of his almighty power I’ll boast;
He all my foes shall quell;
He’s all the helpless soul can need;
No ointment put on Aaron’s head,
Could give so sweet a smell.


5. In him the Gentile church shall trust;
Of him shall sing; of him shall boast;
On him cast all their care;
He is their God, and they shall know
What his almighty power can do,
Nor death, nor danger fear.



Love of Christ Immeasurable

1.High beyond imagination
Is the love of God to man;
Far too deep for human reason;
Fathom that it never can;
Love eternal
Richly dwells in Christ the Lamb.


2.Love like Jesus’ none can measure,
Nor can its dimensions know;
’Tis a boundless, endless river,
And its waters freely flow.
O ye thirsty,
Come and taste its streams below.


3. Jesus loved, and loves for ever;
Zion on his heart does dwell;
He will never, never, never
Leave his church a prey to hell.
All is settled,
And my soul approves it well.




But one thing is needful

Luke 10 v 42

Mr Samuel Kingham