To uphold the Protestant Reformed Faith upon which our
National Constitution was established.


Report on Open-Air Witnessing: Saturday, 11 May 2013

Steve Black placed the table with Christian literature at the top of Horsham’s West Street outside a vacant retail premises. The town centre was a hive of activity this Saturday morning with what appeared to be a Morris Dancing Convention.
Along with myself, we were accompanied by David Nickless from Littlehampton.
The outreach was intended as a campaign primarily to share the Gospel and secondly to alert people to the existence of Christian Watch and recruit additional members to the cause of returning to the “old paths.” (Jeremiah Chapter 6 verse 16).
Horsham has traditionally been hard ground for witnessing by Christian Watch over the last year or two. Relatively affluent, it’s residents seem to fall into one of two camps; hostile to the Gospel, or they believe that they are Christians – and attend one of the many “Emergent” Churches which represent mainstream Protestantism in the market town.
Steve Black and I have found that many poor souls are naively unaware of the Ecumenical Movement’s subtle, yet deliberate, moves towards a One World Religion.
Terms like “convergence” and “unity” are seen as positives by folk, rather than the very real pointers that they are to a coming dangerous worldwide system of control.
This Saturday the table appeared to attract church-going people who were inquisitive about the nature of our work. We were able to share, by God’s grace, the concerns we have with previously sound churches adopting new forms of worship and consequently departing from the authority and centrality of the Word.
A few tracts and Christian Watch leaflets were handed out and folk were urged to attend our next talk.
We had positive conversation with a Filipino lady who enlightened us to the situation in the Philippines, where Protestantism is growing and Catholicism weakening. It would seem that the West is heading in the opposite direction to the East, spiritually speaking. She attends a Baptist Church in West Sussex.
We solicit your prayers for Biblical discernment amongst Horsham churchgoers and for the next talk on 31 May entitled “Apostasy in the Evangelical Church: Where does the Christian worship?”
In Christ Jesus our LORD,
David Heyes