To uphold the Protestant Reformed Faith upon which our
National Constitution was established.

It shall be well with the righteous

1. What cheering words are these;
Their sweetness who can tell?
In time and to eternal days,
“’Tis with the righteous well.”


2. In every state secure,
Kept as Jehovah’s eye,
’Tis well with them while life endure,
And well when called to die.


3. Well when they see his face,
Or sink amidst the flood;
Well in afflictions thorny maze,
Or on the mount of God.


4. Well when the gospel yields
Pure honey, milk, and wine;
Well when thy soul her leanness feels,
And all her joys decline.


5.’Tis well when joys arise;
’Tis well when sorrows flow;
’Tis well when darkness veils the skies,
And strong temptations blow.


6. ’Tis well when at his throne
They wrestle, weep, and pray;
’Tis well when at his feet they groan,
Yet bring their wants away.


7. ’Tis well when they can sing
As sinners bought with blood;
And when they touch the mournful string,
And mourn an absent God.


8. ’Tis well when on the mount
They feast on dying love;
And ’tis as well, in God’s account,
When they the furnace prove.


9.’Tis well when Jesus calls,
“From earth and sin arise,
Join with the host of virgin souls,
Made to salvation wise.”