To uphold the Protestant Reformed Faith upon which our
National Constitution was established.


“Where be all His miracles which our fathers told us of?”

Judges 6:13

Christians should never despise the day of small things. We tend to look for the extraordinary and discount the ordinary, but this is wrong. God’s ordinary dealings in and through His people are worthy of our deepest gratitude. People saved here and there through the normal ministry of the church are just as truly saved as those saved in revival, and their salvation is just as much a miracle of grace.

Yet we cannot be indifferent to the need for revival. We have read in Scripture and in church history of the great outpourings of the Holy Spirit. We have thrilled at the record of the powerful revelation of the majesty of God, causing men to fall under great conviction of sin and to cry for mercy through Christ. As we have read, we have yearned to see the working of His Spirit. We are grateful for every token of the Lord’s presence as we worship and serve, but we long to see greater things than we have yet seen. Where are the mighty works of grace our fathers have described?

It is tragic that all that most Christians today know about revival is what they have read. It is not the knowledge of experience. What is being touted in some circles as a great movement of spiritual renewal is mostly a manufactured phenomenon and is largely divorced from the solid preaching and the awesome sense of the majesty of God that mark true revivals. Crusades and crowd psychology are no substitute for a real movement of the Holy Spirit in the fulness of His power.

Where are God’s mighty works? We do not see revival today. But we may see it. The Lord is sovereign in dispensing His grace, but we have every reason to pray that He will send us a true revival. Each of us can personally enter into the experience of being filled with His Spirit, which is revival on an individual scale. Let us cry for such a reviving. Then may the Lord enlarge it to touch multitudes.

By: Alan Cairns

From Eagles’ Wings

Daily Devotional Meditations