To uphold the Protestant Reformed Faith upon which our
National Constitution was established.

“Rejoice in the Lord.”

1. Let saints lift up their hearts,
And, with a cheerful voice,
The wonders of their King proclaim,
And in the Lord rejoice.


2. Whatever be thy frame,
Though dark and cold as ice,
No change has taken place in him;
Then in the Lord rejoice.


3. Till God can change his mind,
And swear he has no choice,
The soul that in the Lord believes,
Shall in the Lord rejoice.


4. As sure as God is God,
And Abra’m heard his voice,
He’ll love his saints unto the end,
Then let them all rejoice.


5. Nor sin, nor death, nor hell,
Can make him hate his choice;
The cause of love is in himself;
And in him we’ll rejoice.


6. He made an end of sin,
And bought us with a price;
Our life, our hope, our all’s in him,
And we’ll in him rejoice.



A Word of Warning

“Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of His.” Romans 8:9

Sobering and striking words! Sobering because they deal with that relationship with Christ that determines our eternal destiny. Striking because of their appearance in this eighth chapter of Romans, a chapter devoted to assuring God’s people of their standing in Christ. Why in the midst of such a comforting chapter does Paul introduce such a disconcerting statement? Because there will always be people who would take the comfort of this passage without first having taken the Christ of this passage. It is a word of warning to professing Christians.

“If any man…” It matters not your pedigree. You may come from a long line of godly people, but unless you possess the Spirit of Christ, you are none of His. Nor does a mere profession of faith make you God’s child. Paul here speaks of possessing Christ’s Spirit, not a profession of such. Walking an aisle, being baptised, or shedding tears has never saved a soul from Hell. Once more, if any man, regardless of the persuasion of others, has not the Holy Spirit, he is lost. Do not go out into eternity resting on your reputation with others!

When a sinner is born again, he receives the life of Christ, a life that makes him a “new creature.” And what are the evidences of the indwelling Spirit? Paul tells us that “as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God” (v.14). But led where? First, led to Christ. Your desires and interest will be turned from the world to the Saviour. You will be led to pray. Christ’s own have received “the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father” (v. 15). Lastly you will be led into obedience to Christ. Those who possess the Spirit “do mortify the deeds of the body” (v. 13) because Christ’s Spirit will gradually change them into His likeness.

Have you the Spirit of Christ? What a dreadful thing it would be to be none of His. Rest not until you have cast away all dependence upon self and cast your soul upon Christ.

Rev. John Wagner

Eagles Wings, Daily Devotional Meditations

Ah, if I am none of His, whose am I?

C. H. Spurgeon


But one thing is needful

Luke 10 v 42

Mr Samuel Kingham