To uphold the Protestant Reformed Faith upon which our
National Constitution was established.



The Annual General Meeting of Christian Watch was held this year on Friday, 3rd October, 2014 at Tamworth Road Baptist Church, Croydon at 7.30 p.m. This was the first time that the meeting had been held in the Croydon area and it was good to share fellowship with both old friends and new and to meet with the Lord’s people who attend the Church week by week.

The meeting opened with prayer and an introduction to Christian Watch by the Vice-Chairman, Ian Henderson, who outlined the reason for the existence of Christian Watch and the need to stand four-square for the truths of the Gospel. With the continuing decline in so many Churches, he emphasised the need to ‘stand in the breach’ and keep faithful to the old-fashioned Gospel message of repentance and salvation.

Outlining some of the major developments in our society today, Mr. Henderson referred to the promotion of same-sex ‘marriage’; the continuing desecration of the Lord’s Day; ecumenism – with all its links with a range of false religions; the growth and general acceptance of gay rights and the depravity that can be witnessed in all our major cities as a result of the Gay Pride parades; the introduction of women clergy and women Bishops and the constant threat to introduce Constitutional changes in our land. But, in spite of all these things, the Christian’s rest and trust is in a Sovereign God – and His Word has not changed one iota. God is still on the throne – and He maintains the same attributes today as He ever has – attributes of holiness, righteousness, justice and sin-hating.

Mr. Henderson informed the meeting of the 10 Commandments Project – a project that aimed to get the 10 Commandments into all the schools in the country. With this in mind, the subject chosen for the Annual General Meeting was ‘Divine Law for Daily Living’ and the guest speaker, the Rt. Rev. Dr. J. Barry Shucksmith (Royal Navy (Rtd)), based his comments on Matthew 5 verses 1-20 – part of the Sermon on the Mount – where the first 12 verses outlined those who are blessed – and (verse 11) – blessed even in persecution. Salvation, he said, is entirely dependent on the finished work of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Dr. Shucksmith emphasised – in a powerful message – the role of the Christian. ‘Ye are the salt of the earth’ – verse 13; ‘ye are the light of the world’ – verse 14; and, as Christians, we are called, in our daily living, to keep the 10 Commandments. The Church has to be separated from the world – characteristics of salt; the believer should be salt and light – let your light so shine before men. The law of God is a schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ (Galatians 3 v 24). Quoting from the various Confessions of Faith, he stressed their practicality, their preciousness and their permanence for believer and unbeliever alike.

The Commandments, he said, needed to be accepted personally and promoted generally. The modern British family is today teetering on the brink of extinction and, in the absence of Gospel preaching in so many of our Churches, the project by Christian Watch to try and get the 10 Commandments into the schools, is to be commended and encouraged. The law of the Lord is powerful – pure – and perfect.

The presence of the Lord had been keenly felt as the meeting progressed – and Bookstalls from Christian Watch and George Wise Publications were both on hand for the benefit of those that had gathered – at the close of the meeting.

Ian Henderson.