A well-attended Annual Meeting was held at Slip End Village Hall, near Luton, on 4th October.
David Crowter, the Chairman, welcomed those present and then Mr. A. Chapman read the Scriptures from Exodus, chapter 32 and Marcus Brockes, Treasurer, followed in prayer.
The meeting then heard from Mr. Ian Henderson, Vice-Chairman, who told the meeting that CW had been founded by Bible-believing Protestants who were committed to the same beliefs and ideals as ‘the great Protestant Reformers’. He spoke with sadness of how many formerly Protestant Churches and whole denominations had ‘turned their backs on the great truths of the Scriptural Gospel message’. In some towns, he said, there were simply no Protestant, Reformed Churches left to proclaim the Gospel message. In some places, CW had been able to help and put believers in touch with one another, leading to small groups of believers meeting in each other’s houses – because there was no suitable Church in their areas.
He said that CW held to the Authorised Version of the Scriptures as the one that God had honoured for centuries in this land and across the globe – and had ‘close links’ with the Trinitarian Bible Society. There were CW Members in the USA, Greece, Italy and South Africa but he admitted that founding new CW groups in the UK had not been easy and that there was ‘a battle going on for the Gospel’ which needed ‘activists’.
There was also sadness, he said, at the failure of the CW and other Christian groups to halt the introduction of same-sex marriage between ‘people whom the Bible calls sodomites’, but he urged Christians to be vigilant in writing to MPs about the issues of today which are contrary to the Scriptures. On the positive side, generous donations had been used to support a Christian Watch school in Nigeria.
He called for believers to ‘rest and trust in God’ in these difficult times and concluded with four rallying calls. Do not surrender to the morals of today; do not be conformed to the world; endeavour to win others to Christ and be an example to them by our conversation and lifestyle.
The Chairman then welcomed Mr. Graham Chewter, Deputation Speaker for the Trinitarian Bible Society, who preached from Exodus 32:26. Mr. Chewter explained how Moses stood in the gate after the gross apostasy of the golden calf and asked ‘Who is on the Lord’s side? Let him come unto me’. He said that it took one day for God to remove Israel from Egypt, but 40 years to take Egypt out of Israel.
Mr. Chewter explained how the UK had been blessed – as well as some other countries – when the Bible was the standard upon which our laws were founded. He spoke about the Bible being the Truth and that by its nature is exclusive. Sadly, he said, some denominations who have contended for the Word of God have now departed from it. The consequences of this are very evident in our day. The true Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ is very precious to the Lord’s people and if we are on the Lord’s side we shall contend for it. The Devil, however, will oppose the Word of God. A prime and present example of this is an assault on the institution of marriage; the Prime Minister and House of Lords having approved the re-definition of marriage to include same-sex couples. However, he emphasised the importance of those who are on the Lord’s side maintaining and contending for the Scriptural position of marriage.
Those on the Lord’s side will also be concerned to keep His commandments, including the fourth commandment which is to “remember the Sabbath Day to keep it holy”. Many professing Christians, however, disregard this commandment and rob God of His day.
After a number of other points he concluded with the encouragement that, if we are on the Lord’s side, we are on the side of victory and whilst evil things are replacing the Biblical foundations of our nation and that of many other countries, God will finally gain the victory!
The Chairman thanked Mr. Chewter for his excellent address.
A CW member also spoke on Secretary of State for Education, Michael Gove’s plan to indoctrinate children from next September with the theory of evolution from Year 4 (children age 8) and asked those present to write to their MPs and others in authority in education, pointing out the Scriptural truths about creation and the need for such to be taught in schools.
The meeting was then closed with the singing of Robert Robinson’s great hymn on free grace – Come, Thou Fount of every blessing – and prayer, led by David Lawson, Committee Member.
CD’s of Mr. Chewter’s address are available at £2.50 (including post and packing) from:
Christian Watch Resources,
P.O. Box 3268, Leamington Spa, CV32 6YA