To uphold the Protestant Reformed Faith upon which our
National Constitution was established.

“The Lord be with you all”

1. The Lord himself be with you all,
To teach you his own will;
And guide you safe from every thrall,
To Zion’s heavenly hill.


2. Be with you to unfold his grace,
And prove his truth divine;
Unveil the glories of his face,
And make his counsels shine.


3. Whatever be your state or case,
The Lord himself be near;
Support, protect, defend, embrace,
And make your passage clear.


4. Thus may you prove his promise true,
And glorify his name;
And every day your songs renew,
While life and breath remain.


5. The Lord be with you to the end,
And land you safe above;
A long eternity to spend,
In singing, “God is love.”