To uphold the Protestant Reformed Faith upon which our
National Constitution was established.

“The Lord is at hand.”

1. Pause, my soul! and ask the question,
Art thou ready to meet God?
Am I made a real Christian,
Washed in the Redeemer’s blood?
Have I union
To the church’s living Head?


2. Am I quickened by his Spirit;
Live a life of faith and prayer?
Trusting wholly to his merit;
Casting on him all my care?
Daily panting,
In his likeness to appear?


3. If my hope on Christ is stayèd,
Let him come when he thinks best;
O my soul! be not dismayèd,
Lean upon his loving breast;
He will cheer thee
With the smilings of his face.


4. But, if still a total stranger
To his precious name and blood,
Thou art on the brink of danger;
Canst thou face a holy God?
Think and tremble,
Death is now upon the road.