“The Lord is at hand.”
1. Pause, my soul! and ask the question,
Art thou ready to meet God?
Am I made a real Christian,
Washed in the Redeemer’s blood?
Have I union
To the church’s living Head?
2. Am I quickened by his Spirit;
Live a life of faith and prayer?
Trusting wholly to his merit;
Casting on him all my care?
Daily panting,
In his likeness to appear?
3. If my hope on Christ is stayèd,
Let him come when he thinks best;
O my soul! be not dismayèd,
Lean upon his loving breast;
He will cheer thee
With the smilings of his face.
4. But, if still a total stranger
To his precious name and blood,
Thou art on the brink of danger;
Canst thou face a holy God?
Think and tremble,
Death is now upon the road.