To uphold the Protestant Reformed Faith upon which our
National Constitution was established.

“Who hath despised the day of small things?”

1. The Lord that made both heaven and earth,
And was himself made man,
Lay in the womb, before his birth,
Contracted to a span.


2. Behold, from what beginnings small
Our great salvation rose;
The strength of God is owned by all;
But who his weakness knows?


3. Let not the strong the weak despise;
Their faith, though small, is true;
Though low they seem in others’ eyes,
Their Saviour seemed so too.


4. Nor meanly of the tempted think;
For O what tongue can tell
How low the Lord of life must sink,
Before he vanquished hell?


5. As in the days of flesh he grew
In wisdom, stature, grace,
So in the soul that’s born anew,
He keeps a gradual pace.


6. No less almighty at his birth,
Than on his throne supreme;
His shoulders held up heaven and earth,
When Mary held up him.