To uphold the Protestant Reformed Faith upon which our
National Constitution was established.


On the 11th of May our witness on stand S92 at the Sandown Christian Resources Exhibition was brought to a close, It began on the 8th of May and the campaign ‘Who is on the Lord’s side’ had plenty of exposure, along with our support for the Keep Marriage Special campaign. Many visitors were confused when we asked them to sign the KMS petition, as they had previously signed the much more well known petition C4M – Coalition for marriage. It may help some of our members with our response at the exhibition to their confusion, and answer those who state that one petition is enough.

We explained that while we are pleased to see folk of all religious persuasions, and none, coming out against same sex marriage; nevertheless the KMS petition is to be presented to the government as one based upon Holy Scripture. It was explained that however the world and the men of this world are by nature often revolted by perverse acts: e.g Paedophilia, Tranvestism etc. so that even their own iniquity is found hateful. The Christian stands upon the Holy Oracles of God in their hatred of all sin which is offensive and at enmity against God; and not merely upon the fashionable whims and caprice of men. After all, it was not so long ago when unmarried men and women living together was a matter of shame. Now this ‘living in sin’, seems to be quite acceptable to the majority in society. Just as sodomites living in homosexual ‘civil’ partnerships is winked at by many who are against same sex marriage and signed the C4M petition.

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But one thing is needful

Luke 10 v 42

Mr Samuel Kingham