To uphold the Protestant Reformed Faith upon which our
National Constitution was established.


We were able to set up the table in a prime position in the main thoroughfare in Commercial Street – the main shopping precinct in Portsmouth.
The fair weather saw multitudes of shoppers converging on the area and we were able to proclaim the Gospel loud and clear, with a megaphone, to the constant stream of people.
The exercise was a far cry from the previous open-air witnessing in Horsham – we were taken aback at how many people were prepared to listen.
Manning the stand was Steve Black, with local preachers Malcolm Hey and Jim Scoales alternating on the preaching.

We were pleasantly surprised at the number of youth with whom we were able to engage with this Saturday. Wonderfully, four Bibles were handed over to different individuals – as well as a number of tracts.

A short video of the open-air preaching in Portsmouth.

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The parliamentary sub-committee, which is tasked with considering the detail prior to its passage through parliament, has invited submissions from those who believe that they have some relevant evidence to put forward, either for or against this Bill, by March 12th 2013.
However, there has been a well-intentioned, but sadly misguided, attempt by Christian believers to oppose this bill on the grounds of worldly reason alone.
To explain: many have forgotten why they oppose such wickedness and have fallen into the trap of saying that such a homosexual lifestyle of a redefined marriage, is unnatural, destructive, medically, psychologically and socially and altogether undesirable.

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Report on Open-Air Witnessing: Saturday, 11 May 2013

Steve Black placed the table with Christian literature at the top of Horsham’s West Street outside a vacant retail premises. The town centre was a hive of activity this Saturday morning with what appeared to be a Morris Dancing Convention.
Along with myself, we were accompanied by David Nickless from Littlehampton.
The outreach was intended as a campaign primarily to share the Gospel and secondly to alert people to the existence of Christian Watch and recruit additional members to the cause of returning to the “old paths.” (Jeremiah Chapter 6 verse 16).
Horsham has traditionally been hard ground for witnessing by Christian Watch over the last year or two. Relatively affluent, it’s residents seem to fall into one of two camps; hostile to the Gospel, or they believe that they are Christians – and attend one of the many “Emergent” Churches which represent mainstream Protestantism in the market town.
Steve Black and I have found that many poor souls are naively unaware of the Ecumenical Movement’s subtle, yet deliberate, moves towards a One World Religion.

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A brief report of the CRE Exhibition.

The Christian Watch stand at this year’s CRE Exhibition at Sandown Park was larger than in 2012. It was on the ground floor in the Surrey Hall and in view of the main entrance to the exhibition Hall. On the first day, before the doors were opened as anticipated, there was much activity in finalizing the stands ready for presentation and in making last minute adjustments. Our stand was manned by Committee Members Marcus Brockes and David Lawson with help from Steve Black, Paul Horwood and Ian Gander. For those who are not aware, Michael Hobbis National Co-ordinator for Christian Watch could not lead the promotion this year as he was laid aside with illness.

The main purpose of our presence at such an exhibition was to promote our work for the Lord by explaining the aims and purposes of Christian Watch and to encourage people to make a stand with us by becoming active members. It is obvious at such an event as this, that there is much that goes under the banner of ‘Christian’ and ‘Christianity’ which cannot be justified anywhere in Scripture. We are thankful to those who stopped by to encourage us, especially those who noted the TBS Scripture posters which were placed around the walls of the interior partitions of our stand. We gave out much literature along with the Christian Watch booklet and application forms which were placed inside. We also had a visual promotion in the form of a screen slideshow presentation promoting the work of Christian Watch which looped continually throughout the week of the exhibition.

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Christian education is under attack in America as never before. Yesterday on this website, we highlighted the plight of the Romeikes, a German Christian family who is seeking asylum in America because the German government forbids their homeschool instruction. The Obama Administration is siding with the German government and its view of homeschooling, and they are seeking to deport this family who wants to educate their children in accord with God’s Word. If the U.S. Attorney General succeeds in denying their asylum, it may have chilling ramifications for religious and educational liberties in the United States.

Click Here to read the Article


Dear Friend,

At the present time, an appalling Evangelical Ecumenical Apostasy has happened. What is at stake is the very righteousness of Christ Jesus the Lord in His perfect, finished work that is proclaimed in the Gospel. In fact, many well-known Evangelicals in their endeavors to attract people have concealed the Gospel of grace. The video that you are about to see gives the names of those who embrace this horrendous apostasy.

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It is a “great idea” to allow the morning-after pill to be handed out in schools, a leading GP in England has said.
But there is concern that such a move would seriously undermine parents.
Dr Anne Connolly’s comments came after a group of NHS experts in Scotland called for the Holyrood Government to allow the move.


Norman Wells, Director of the Family Education Trust, said: “Schemes like this are giving girls as young as 13 a licence to engage in illegal sexual activity and denying them the protection of the law that the age of consent is intended to give.

“Health workers who provide under-age girls with contraception without the knowledge of their parents are seriously undermining the role of those parents.”

And Conservative MP Philip Davies said if teenagers were given morning-after pills or contraceptive injections by school nurses, their parents should be told.

Rights and Righteousness

Some may have noticed that where ‘gay marriage’ has already been made legal e.g. Spain, there has been a great deal of confusion and even chaos in their legal system, as many old acts and statutes passed by their parliament and going back many centuries, stand as an obstacle to ‘gay marriage’,
There are numerous stumbling blocks relating to marriage and rights of inheritance, and referring to ‘one woman and one man’ specified in these Spanish laws which were passed at the time with no such impediment in mind and now these must be removed or amended, since they stand in contradiction to the new wickedness now agreed to by their parliament . Each law altered is a sting to conscience…………….

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“If that nation I warned repents of its evil—then I will relent and not inflict on it the disaster I had planned” (Jer. 18:8). There is no “if” in connection with what God has foreordained, and the history of nations has been as truly and definitely predestinated, as the destiny of each individual. “Known unto God are all His works from the beginning of the world” (Acts 15:18), and they are known to Him because they were decreed by Him. Now if God decreed an event He either foresaw what would be the outcome of it—or He did not. If He did not, where is His infinite wisdom and understanding? On the other hand, if He foresaw an event would not be—why did He purpose it should be? If God purposed a thing, then either He is able to bring it to pass by His wisdom and power—or He is not. If not, where is His omniscience and omnipotence? From the horns of that dilemma there is no escape. If God be God then there can be no failure with Him “The counsel of the Lord stands forever, the thoughts of His heart to all generations” (Psalm 33:11)……..

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Excited children masquerading as witches, ghosts, goblins, demons, and other grotesque characters skipping through the neighborhood knocking on doors chanting “trick or treat” while holding out a sack in which one is to drop a piece of candy or other goodies … the party at school, or church, or Sunday School where they bob for apples, tell fortunes, or go through “haunted houses”… decorations of jack-o’-lanterns, witches on brooms, and black cats with arched backs … It’s “Halloween”–one of the strangest days of the year. Are Halloween activities really just the simple, innocent holiday fun most people believe them to be? Where did this holiday originate? Why is this holiday celebrated? History provides the answers.

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